Technical Questions

Is My Data Safe?

At Prodigy, we follow data best practices to protect your information.

When using the Prodigy Learning Management System, rest assured that the safety of your data is a top priority. The platform adheres to industry best practices to protect your information from unauthorized access. Data transmitted between your device and our servers is securely encrypted, and sensitive information like passwords is stored using specialized methods to prevent unauthorized access even in the event of a breach. The system also restricts access to authorized users, with appropriate measures in place to manage user accounts and access rights.

In addition to these security measures, regular backups of your data are performed to ensure that it can be recovered in case of any unforeseen events. The Prodigy LMS team stays informed about the latest security updates and continuously works to improve the platform's security by applying patches and implementing best practices. This diligent approach helps maintain a high level of security, providing you with peace of mind as you use the Prodigy Learning Management System.

Do you Have an API?