Account Management
Organization View
The organization view gives you admin access to all departments that fall under your organization.
How Does it Work?
The organizational role allows you all of the same functions you have as a department training officer except you have the ability to manage multiple departments. You can create classes, training plans, etc and share them will all departments in your organization. You can run reports, manage users, and make assignments for everybody.
How Do I Access an Organization?
From the top right or your Prodigy screen where you see departments, click on the name of your Organization and you will see that you are in the Organization Admin section.

Who Needs an Organization
Any time you have multiple departments that share administrators or training assets it can be helpful. A common use is for a system Medical Director to be an admin of an organization that includes all of their departments.
Setting Up Your Organization
If you would like to have multiple departments set up as an organization, please reach out to